Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spin with the massess

Okay, so to create a blog that no one might read lets see,  I guess it is just as easy to talk to possibly no one as it is to talk to my husband or daughter.  I want to talk about spinning and knitting.  I have told myself I will spin each day in the year 2012.  Thanks to this wonderful Raverly group
  Anyone with me???  I need time for myself and that is my spinning time.  After I have spun, then comes my knitting time.
     You see I am  a full time teacher of fourth graders and I come home to be a mom of a four year old and a wife.  I have discovered I need my sanity (only took me 39 years to discover this).  Spinning is soothing for me, but since I have only spun for about a I have discovered a few things.

 1)  Only spin art yarn when you are angry, frustrated, or the Broncos have lost (better luck next year) because each piece will have an artistic flair (I find thick and thin with crazy colors works well for me at this time provided it doesn't keep breaking)  I am new to art yarn and I think all handspun yarn has an artistic flair.  There are some great books out about art yarn maybe someday I will master it.  My point is, my yarn takes on my feelings, how about yours?  Who would ever want angry yarn unless you were knitting for someone you disliked (not likely).

 2) Disney music helps me spin surprisingly well, not sure why maybe because I can sing every song, or because it is what my four year old wants to hear when she works with me in our craft room. Some recommendations are: anything from Lilo and Stitch, The Little Mermaid, The Frog Princess, Tangled (personally my new favorite), but then of course there's the Chipmunks as well.  I find my tension depends on the beat of the music how weird right?

3) Always let your child (if you have one) name your yarn.  They come up with pure and amazing names.

4) Challenge yourself in Ravelry groups, guilds and just get your voice out there.  I just want to talk about the crafts I love with others so we can guide each other or just laugh about mutual frustrations, and of course share the work we have done.
another inspiring group on Ravelry:

What is your advice to a new spinner?  What music inspires you?  Do you find one type of music promotes a certain type of yarn?
I am sure I will come up with more things along this journey which I would love for as many spinners and knitters to be a part of please tell me what projects you have going and any helpful advice is more than welcome.  Unleash your spinning voice.

Spin long and prosper


  1. I enjoy listening to celtic music streaming over the computer while I spin. Celtic Sojourn from WGBH in Boston is a favorite.

    I see you have a Ladybug, too!

  2. I love the idea of the celtic music. I think I will try it.
    I love my Ladybug! When I took my spinning class she was the first wheel I tried and I love her so much I ended up buying one. My thought was to save for the Matchless, but the Ladybug fit me the best. I also liked the fact that the company was locally based. I am trying to save for the Sidekick because the Ladybug does get difficult to travel with long distances.
